Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


US Operations
Staff member
I've missed a lot of holidays this year and all but got a moment now to post and thought I'd just go ahead and say it to all now.

This year has been a bit odd for me, not really in a festive mood by any means, but trying to make the best of it.

I want to extend to all an invitation to help others through micro loans on as well, in late October I joined. I have made it weekly goal to make a couple loans to very small businesses across the world. Already in this shrt time I have had loans to be completed and paid off by thankful, and profitable food vendors that were able to use my 'small' amount of funds and buy in wholesale lots their goods instead of their uses daily amounts, saving a lot of money and being more profitable now.

This is the ultimate type of aid to provide people as it lowers the cost of capital and extends the usual type of credit available only to the select, to a far larger audience. I encourage all to at least take a look at using a platform like kiva to give a hand up going into 2012. There is risk you may not have your money returned, and there is no profit in the loans made, but it is IMO just as good as the near 0% a bank savings account pays you while paying bank execs large amounts, and has far better human results, worldwide.