Missing Asp Folders on Server.

I installed a new client for a windows plan, and notice on the server, the Aspnet_client,aspsecured etc. folders are missing and not showing up as they usually do when I set up a Windows Plan.

Is this normal and I did something wrong?

Thanks Guys... ;)
Yea, but not activated. OPPS. 8)

I WIll have to activite in their control panel. I don't think they need it, but usually all the plans show the folders in the FTP and that caught me off guard. I had to make that plan at the split of the moment with a special request they had, so I messed up.

They have been through 4 hosts, I am the 5th... so I went out of my way for them and was tyring to do it quick.

Thanks.... :)
Thanks. I already impressed them, they were very happy during live chat and what we did for them, couldn't thank me enough for all the help. :p

Jodo is rubbing off on me HE HE HE :tongue: