Ms Access query...urgent

Hi All,

I am new to access and trying to design a small app in it..The application is a timesheet logging system , which is to be concurrently used by 12 users.

what I want to know is :

1)To provide the data entry is using forms a better way or is using Data Access Page a better way?

By 'better' i mean that which gives better performance, NOT look and feel.
2) Is it possible to have forms deployed on client machine and tables deployed centrally? Is that possible in MS Access?

This is urgent..I shall be thankful for your inputs..
Most of the people here do web based programming, I take it this is actually an Access Based app?

Thanks for your inputs..No this is NOT meant for any web based accesss...rather the 12 members are in same floor of the building and can access the database directly thorugh the Form and NOT through the web.

So keeping this in view, can you pl. convey your views on the 2 questions I asked?

With thanks,
Consudering this is a support forum for Jodohost web customers I doubt you will get a reply here. Your better off to ask in an Access newsgroup.
if using the Jet database engine, stick with standard forms and DAO, if using MSDB then pages are ok but use ADO.

for other questions, go to, click on groups, advanced search then enter your search criteria and set it to search in the group *access* - this will confine your search to all groups dealing with access - and you might want to consider limiting it to the past year or less.

if you need / want more ms access resources drop me an email and i'll be happy to send you a list of web sites that would be of interest

btw, when setting it to search in the group *access* be sure to include the asterisks