
Hi all,

Facing an problem that makes me worried that there might be more trouble hidden.

The case is like this, I've installed MSSQL 7.0 and then MSDE into one machine. Now, when I access the MSSQL MMC, I cannot view the database summary/information by simply highlighting the database as I normally should be able to. It returns a message stating that there is a "database access error/problem". This happens to all databases (even the master etc) on (so far as I have tested) all database instances registered to the MSSQL MMC.

Now, the funny thing is, the database instance installed can be started, and if I navigate into the tree, the database tables, users, and other nodes can be access. I can pickout data from any random database tables through SQL statements, and applicatins that uses the databases does not seem to have problems.

Now, I understand that MSSQL MMC is similar to Microsoft's MMC works with MSC files, but I suspect that the problem is not there, as I've tried adding the MSDE installation and get the same problem.

If anyone has experienced this before / has a solution, please share / any suggestion to a possible cause of error (I do not think it's the msc file, but a corrupted MSSQL MMC file? I do not know. How do I replace this without reinstalling and reloading data?) please share.

Try to open Enterprise Manager directly and tell me if it does the same thing, you may have to add/register the server instances here.