MSSQL4 - storage issue - resolved


US Operations
Staff member
We are checking on an issue with MSSQL4 that occurred during backup run, and it is now having errors.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

I have had to turn off the server due to this, so it is down at the moment
will update ASAP.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

There is a storage issue making this, we are working on it top priority.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

A bit of a nightmare scenario here on a large RAID10 storage array we lost a drive in backups, not an issue, but another started giving bad sectors continually, and then another drive dropped.
This is impacting both MSSQL4 servers(cluster1 and 2)
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

CL2-MSSQL4 is now up and this is my primary focus now.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

This is pretty much unreal while working on it a 4th drive failed in the array, we were able to get CL2-MSSQL4 off in a live runnable form before the additional drives failed in the storage array. The CL1-MSSQL4 was copying and froze in the middle, and didn't complete.
I am working on it still and will provide an update as soon as I possibly can.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

I have been able to retrieve so far a vast portion of the data as it was at the time right before the crash from backups and from the physical drives re-assembled in bare minimums. I will update again on status soon.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

Data safe on another location now for CL1MSSQL4, working to re-install it now.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

SQL server installed, working now to copy data into new storage array for accessing by the setup we have here now.
Re: MSSQL4 - checking on issue with it

The Server is now up and running. All Databases online.
There was an issue for clients using IP based connections for some clients using an old IP. We have mounted the extra IP on MSSQL4 to prevent this now.