I want to install a mud on my site. Does anyone have any running? If so what ones?

This is the one i'm trying to install I think its like earth from It needs PHP GD library 1.8 adn a cron job or scheduled task to run the turns page. I don't know if thats possible on windows hosting. Anyone know?
GD is packaged with PHP these days, 2.0 series.

As for cron, not on windows, but if you have a linux account you can set a cron there to hit the windows site.
Tech support should be able to set up a scheduled task for you. I have one that runs every morning to initiate a ColdFusion script I wrote to import some data from a remote server.

Send in a ticket and request for them to set up the scheduled task you need. They should be able to do it, unless the task is something really weird.
I stopped playing muds when I ran out of time about 8 years ago.

But before then I used a BBS to play MUDs with others. Never really got into them however.