Multilanguage panel?


I have some questions:

Do you support Multilanguage in the Web mail and H-Sphere panels (especially Spanish)?

Are the mail servers in Windows or Linux? Do they have antivirus and antispam support?

What Web mail do you use?

The one-time fee of $4 mean I will have unlimited users?

blackdixit said:
Do you support Multilanguage in the Web mail and H-Sphere panels (especially Spanish)?

Yes, we do provide multilanguage support under H-sphere and Webmail panels.

Are the mail servers in Windows or Linux? Do they have antivirus and antispam support?

Mails servers are on Linux and they have antivirus & antispam installed.

What Web mail do you use?
We are providing different mail clients like SQWebMail, Horde, Squirrelmail on qmail server.

The one-time fee of $4 mean I will have unlimited users?
What do you mean by "users" here, if it is no of CP then answer is No. Because we provide limited no of CPs under each plan.
$4 one-time fee applies per extra user, if you wish to opt for the one-time fee instead of the $0.50/mo fee