Multiple Domain Hosting


I would like a hosting plan that would either allow me to have each of my sites on a dedicated IP address or a shared IP address but not with my own sites.

I want each of my sites to be on different C Blocks so I can link together without notice.

What is the best plan for me?


do you mean you'd like each website you add to be on a different dedicated IP in different class c's.

email [email protected] about this
This is not an easy thing to do and we charge setup fees
I think so. It would be just as well to have all on dedicated IPs but it don't seem that it's possible. At least not cost effective.

So I guess as long as my sites were each on unique IPs and not on the same class c's, that would work.

Which of your plans would work best for me?


not understanding you here..
You can have all your sites on the same shared IP without any problem
You can have all your sites on different dedicated IPs without any problem

But I believe you want your sites on different Class Cs. Is there any specific reason for that? Maybe I can help you look for an alternative
Yes, the problem is that the SEs will be looking at sites that are linked together and if they're on the same class C blocks, the links will be void and the page rank for the sites will be compromised.
