My two cents worth;
I find the background pretty distracting. It makes the text difficult to read. If you're really married to the idea of using a graphic background like that, my suggestion would be to really fade it more so there is more contrast with the text. My preference, from a user point of view, would be to use it maybe only as a background for the header, or possibly as well as decoration in other, less obtrusive, areas.
I think it's overkill to use a money graphic for the KJTFS logo in addition to a money background. It's rather busy looking.
The DESC buttons on your download page. Would be much nicer if the descriptions just displayed (without a screen refresh) when the user rolled their mouse over the buttons. Some layers ought to work quite nicely for that.
The horizontal bars in the header are a bit hard on the eyes, almost wavy when you look at them. Possibly because they're fighting with the background, or because of their thickness. You may want to try different line thickness, starting with halving them.
Also, your logo might look kind of large and too imposing on a lower resolution monitor (I'm thinking 800 x 600). I can't remember the usual number given for browser space, excluding the toolbars, menus, address bar, etc. But I think your logo is taking up about 25% of the screen real estate. I realize people can and do scroll. But sometimes a little subtlety is more impressive.
Although it has nothing really to do with the site per se, and I doubt you're going to change it, I thought I'd make a comment about the name; KJTFS. That's a lot of letters to remember! And they're not even particularly easy letters - i.e. they don't exactly roll off the tongue. There's a reason you rarely, if ever, see a company (or web site) name with more than 3 letters.
Anyway, none of this is meant as criticism, just my opinion, since you asked. I hope at least some of it was useful to you.