MySQL 4.1, and PHP 5


One of my clients is getting the error,

"MySQL version 4.0.27 is not supported. Only MySQL 4.1.x and higher is supported."

When installing Sugar CRM, is there a DB server with MySQL 4.1.x or is it planned, and while on the point of versions is there any plans for php 5 yet?
PHP 4.1 is not supported right now, nor is PHP5. It is in the 2.5.1 beta of hsphere only.
Thanks for the update. Ive been wondering about PHP5 myself.

MediaWiki requires php5, guess it's in hSphere's hands now :D
I will also be needing php 5 for the new version of Joomla (1.5 beta).

There is actually a bug in php 4.4.2 that prevents Joomla 1.5 from working correctly.