MySQL Version


:( Okay, I'm going to bang my head against a wall here soon! I moved a ColdFusion/MySQL application that I have been working on using a devel environement here at home without any problems.

My dev environment is running MySQL 4.0.16-nt. It supports some of the more complex SQL inclduing UNION selects. I use these to make life simpler for the display portion of my application.

I just uploaded it to Jodohost and am now getting errors all over the place. In many cases it is because of MySQL's case sensitivity when running on a Linux platform (that's what I'm assuming is running on). Additionally, it seems that the version JodoHost is running is an older version, 3.23 8o !!!

So what are the chances that we can beg the newer version to be installed. From what I understand the versions are 100% backwards compatabile.

We are running 3.51 I believe
hatton, this is something we wish we could upgrade but can't till HSphere supports it (they should very very soon). If we upgrade, HSphere wouldn't work anymore with MySQL
