none@none spammer

is it from a form mailer on your website?

I have seen some complaints of form mail spamming, and it is quite hard to stop unless you use some image verification, reffer verifcation in the form mail process, etc.

I have not heard/seen it coming direct, just from forms on websites from the "auto filler robots" that hammering guestbooks, form mails, etc.
It has caused some issues soem time back on wincf even making whole server slow because some 1000+ bots would be hitting a form mail in perl cgi form, or perl guestbook at the same time.
Anyone else getting smashed by the spammer?
Also a hell of a lot of spam in greek? russian?

I have noticed a lot of spam in non-English characters. Is there a setting somewhere to only allow English language email? Thunderbird catches it right away and trashes it, but if I could stop it from even reaching my mailboxes that would be great.
it could be set server side, but we can't do that as we have so many international clients, that get non english legit email :)
Yeah, always from website contact forms. I don't know how these guys expect to make money doing that but i guess they must be.
Anyway, installed turning numbers script to forms, hopefully that'll slow him down.
Yeah, always from website contact forms. I don't know how these guys expect to make money doing that but i guess they must be.
Anyway, installed turning numbers script to forms, hopefully that'll slow him down.

It doesn't cost much (if anything) to set a script going to send as many emails as possible. If they get 1 sale from a million emails, then they've made a profit.

There's big bucks in it, otherwise they wouldn't do it.