Not slow server, but server php issues!?


Please compare the two identical pages other then the extensions.

All my php pages are slow. It is not my isp connection as support suggested.

The html extension download in less then two seconds on my computer.

The PHP extension takes 4-8 times longer.

All feedback welcomed from support and jodohost clients.

I need to discover and correct this problem. My affiliate program, oscommerce, and hundreds of additional pages are based on php. They all are slow and slower. ?(

My site is useless as slow as it is. The problem seems to be the php!

All advise gladly received. Thanks, nt
The connection/download times are quick from the UK, so it is not network or bandwidth.

Does your php site make use of a database? If so you could run some queries manually against the DB to see whether the slowdown is the web server or the db?
The php page as listed above are not dependent upon a database, just calling the same header - footer as in the html page as listed above.

My other php pages which are dependent upon databases are slower then the above as the following page:

The Servers {Machines} are in Miami Fl, USA. The ISP providers are in North Carolina USA. Would it be local client machines?, server configurations?, h-sphere settings?, ip connections??????

Can the end-users client machine be involved concerning slow php pages?

All replies and feedback appreciated. Thanks, nt
The client side can play some role in the loading speeds.

That page that is DB driven took about 3 seconds to load, which could be slow, or fast depending on the number of queries made. I don't know the details on that software so I can't say for certain.
Are your PHP pages doing any logging, dns lookups etc. Is anything odd happening in your code?

I have a PHP site which uses Mysq at Jodo and it is pretty much instant.
Thanks for the feedback. Thru my H-Sphere CP...the following php switches are on: php.

Are there other items within the cp that would be effecting the php pages?

The page that Stephen is downloading in 3 seconds, takes 13 seconds on my machine. MSN, CNN, Comcast and other large pages download very fast on my machine, so I don't believe it's my connection. I have 5 different machines, all five of them are recording the same results. I am baffled!

Still looking for the solution,

Thanks, nt
We are investigating this...

Have you made any includes or are doing any processing at all within your PHP page?
I am recoding all pages not requiring the php ext. Going to shared borders html instead of the "php includes".

The required php files will be checked for full path vs relative path and modified as needed.

I will get back to this post after modifications.

Thanks, nt

note! the links referred to in above post 1 above have been modified. Now dead links. Thanks for all feedback

Are you using relative paths?

You might think it is a dumb question, but in all reality a simple change sped things up in a major way.

I managed to sort it last night. Not using relative paths messed up the website. It turned out to be using the FQDN of mysql2. If I did it as all PHP sites that use mysql were really slow. Changed it to IP for mysql and they are lightning fast now

I will check with the Unix admin about the dns resolver cache, sounds like it was taking too long to get the DNS and slowing the site.
I have the same problem and posted a similar thread on this forum as well. I also changed the address to MySQL server to IP-address, and my sites loaded within a second (previously, 6-7 seconds).