ODBC question

the following code

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=D:\hshome\xxx\db\xxxx.mdb;"

returns the follwoing error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e4d'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too many client tasks.
file.asp, line 3

am i missing something?
please advise...
support told is because i have not created any dsn for the database.
common sense tells me that i don't need a dsn for a dsnLes connection... or i'm i missing something?

btw, are you on win7 as well?
I have a DSN set up and im looking at it right now... it was working yesterday... and "I" did not change anything!!!!
Re: ODBC question - please flush the toilet!

someone on the server is not closing their connections and we are left with error messages... is like sharing your apt with somene who won't flush the toilet. it sucks!
Re: ODBC question - please flush the toilet!

marioletto said:
someone on the server is not closing their connections and we are left with error messages... is like sharing your apt with somene who won't flush the toilet. it sucks!

:D sorry - I had to laugh at that!!
This issue is caused by the Access ODBC driver. it the the most unreliable driver you can use on a shared hosting environement

Although we fixed it, we cannot guarantee this error will not occur again. Please use Jet OLEDB instead as it has better connection pooling and handling. microsoft strong discourages using Microsoft Access ODBC driver as well
Thanks for fixing the problem Yash... i recieved your email and read this post http://support.jodohost.com/showthread.php?t=3146
the only problem with this is that your ODBC Service in Hsphere does not have a jet option??? i use access DB's for sites that gets modified alot

I like MS SQL alot its just alot more work to use it...
So if you can add a jet set up in the ODBC Service ill change ASAP

You can also use DSN-less Jet OLEDB connections. But yes, the CP only allows you to create Access ODBC DSNs, I'll check that out