One little question before signing up

Hello guys,

I'm searching for a new host and I'm almost certain that it is going to be jodohost. I have one little question though.

I want to start with the Windows Value plan, because the .NET software I'm writing is not yet finished, but I do want to start developing and testing my ASP.NET website. So I do not need a lot of bandwidth right now.

When the website comes live and (hopefully) sales and thus traffic (downloads of my application being the main reason) increases, is it possible to upgrade to a higher plan? Or does one have two plans (or more) in that kind of situation?

Thanks for any answers and your time.

Paul, The Netherlands
with the way hsphere works you are able to just upgrade easierly though the control panel and are charged the difference, you may also downgrade if you so wish
I just ordered the Value Windows Plan so that I can get started with developing my website. When I release my software and bandwidth increases, I will upgrade to a higher plan.

Thanks for your quick reply.

Now I will just have to wait for the verification to complete.
Yes, you're correct, the account is already activated. Very prompt response!!! Thank you very much.

I'm already 'toying' around with the control panel.