Outgoing Emails from Jodohost Servers go to SPAM/Bulk Folders


Hi all. I recently joined JodoHost with a new domain I've had for about a year. I've never sent any emails with my domain name. So I was quite shocked to see that as soon as I sent some test emails with my new domain, that they all go to the SPAM/Bulk mail folder of the recepients.

I opened some tickets with the JodoHost support team (who are quite excellent in their response times and helpfulness) but it looks like the JodoHost servers are blacklisted for spam emails.

Does anyone have some ideas on how to fix this issue? Perhaps changing the servers IP addresses? I'm tried using Yahoo email to handle my email instead of the webmail client at jodohost, and that seemed to work. but I still have an issue with emails sent from my server via the script. Any other ideas?
It is not a blacklisting issue. Instead it is some sort of IP reputation system used by Yahoo!. When sending emails using your script, try using mail server as SMTP with SMTP authentication. Also enable SPF for the domain as an added measure.

This may have been triggered by a recent spam abuse case:

However this must autocorrect over a period of time, when more good emails get forwarded to Yahoo! from this mailserver.
Hello Tanmaya,

I also am having problems having my emails rejected (by Hotmail accounts) due to recent spoofing incidents. Can you clarify what you mean by the following: try using mail server as SMTP with SMTP authentication. How do I do that? I don't mind reading how to do so, so if you give me an URL, that would be great.

Regarding SPF, I've read some posts of yours in the past, where you mentioned there might be some problems enabling this if you do not configure this correctly. Could you give us some tips of what to look out for?
