perhaps more busine$$ - please, post opinion


I read Yash´s post about introducing a new CRM solution for support.
Don´t know if you have already made up your mind about which one, but if not, please take into consideration the possibility of choosing one with a "customizable reseller-feature".

By customizable, I mean one that could go as far as having a WORKING language pack.
Again, by "working" I mean one that could possibly have a proven foreing language example working somewhere... cause Cerberus for example, is very good at saying so... but it doesnt really DO the job in english... let alone in another language.

The world is becoming a small place, and as well as making your international clients very happy, you could put the english speaking ones in equal conditions of competition for new markets.
For example: I can serve clients in english speaking countries, and have a hosting site for US, AU, NZ, EN, etc... We just hire english speaking support people... and there we go.
BUT, the english speaking people are not able to enter the (w)healthy ;) markets of developing countries... and yes, while they could hire support people for other languages... a "non-multi-language" CRM will pose an unviable language barrier in support communication with you, the source of all these venturous resellers.

Please, think about it... perhaps someone would like to post Atul into this link. I would be keen to hear some echo about this from other resellers as well as Atul´s.

So, people... what do you think?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
What we are looking at will integrate well with our live chat, but not for what you are speaking. At least from what I have seen so far, but it is why we are evaluating.