PHP Accelerator on IIS6?

Does anyone know of a good way to speed up PHP on IIS6?

I'm running 5.2.6 as ISAPI, and I have a WordPress installation that I'd like to speed up (not the front end, which I'm planning on caching anyways, but the backend CMS -- it's still too slow for my taste).

I've tried installing Zend Optimizer 3.3.3, but could not for the life of me get it to work. I'm looking into eAccelerator next. I also looked at APC for a second, but now I don't remember why I didn't go much further down that path. Maybe I'll revisit that too.

But before I spend any more time trying to get another one to work, it would be great to hear from someone who's had good experience with one before.

Stephen, perhaps you have a recommendation or have some experience with something? I'd really appreciate the insight!

No, none. I fact we are about to start offering 2008 R2 replacements for anyone on virutozzo 2003 now, MS has ended support, Parallels has ended support, and even version 9 support ends in June.

ON 2008 R2 with FastCGI wincache works really well, on iis6 it doesn't work too well at all.

the in place migrations are working some of the time, but a lot of fails (you know of this!)
Thanks Stephen. The last thing I want to do right now is build a new VPS server from scratch. Not looking forward to it at all to be perfectly honest.
I understand, but virutozzo sucks, getting worse daily, we'll probably keep one node around for holdouts, but 2003 is getting targeted for exploits more and more, and it will be inevitable in the future to need this move.