PHP mail() security requirements


General question - what are security requirements for using mail() function of PHP at Jodohost?

At my previous host running HSphere for scripts executed on Unix servers line "from" within "headers" parameter of mail()must have included the real email account existing on the mail server. For scripts executed on Windows machine section [mail function] in php.ini needed to include

sendmail_from= [email protected]

How is it handled here, at Jodohost?

I ask this question, because I would like to create a "share a link with friend" page, where one enters his/her own email address as well as recipient's address. The message would be generated in the way, so the "from" line contains the address of person recommending the site. That is in case if the recipient would like to respond by clicking "reply". Is that at all possible taking into consideration security measures of the mail server?