Hi all
I'm trying to use the imap / pop functions in php to read a pop mailbox. Here's my code with the obvious changed.
That always crashes with "Couldn't open stream".
print_r(imap_errors()) returns "Array ( [0] => Can't login to this server )".
I assume other people have this working. Is there something wrong with my mailbox string? What has worked for others?
$mailbox is set to {mail.mydomain.com:110/pop3/notls}INBOX
I'm familiar with pop and can successfully login to the mailbox using telnet to port 110 using those credentials.
If I change the host, name and password to a mailbox outside of Jodo, eg at my ISP, then it works successfully.
I'm actually doing this as a test while trying to fix another problem where a PHP script an another host outside Jodo logs in to a Jodo mailbox. That stopped working yesterday with the same error as this test page at Jodo gives. Likewise, that script still works with a non-Jodo mailbox.
I'd appreciate it if anyone has an application with similar code to check to see if it is still working today.
I'm trying to use the imap / pop functions in php to read a pop mailbox. Here's my code with the obvious changed.
$host = 'mail.mydomain.com';
$name = '[email protected]';
$pwd = 'mypw';
$mailbox = '{' . $host . ':110/pop3/notls}INBOX';
$mbox=imap_open ($mailbox, $name, $pwd);
print_r(imap_errors()) returns "Array ( [0] => Can't login to this server )".
I assume other people have this working. Is there something wrong with my mailbox string? What has worked for others?
$mailbox is set to {mail.mydomain.com:110/pop3/notls}INBOX
I'm familiar with pop and can successfully login to the mailbox using telnet to port 110 using those credentials.
If I change the host, name and password to a mailbox outside of Jodo, eg at my ISP, then it works successfully.
I'm actually doing this as a test while trying to fix another problem where a PHP script an another host outside Jodo logs in to a Jodo mailbox. That stopped working yesterday with the same error as this test page at Jodo gives. Likewise, that script still works with a non-Jodo mailbox.
I'd appreciate it if anyone has an application with similar code to check to see if it is still working today.