php search

hey guys i got stuck in php-search i have 2 tables name as

employee and emp_performance

in employee table i have 4 columns name as emp_id, emp_name, address and postcode

in emp_performance table i have 3 columns emp_id, emp_performance, emp_bonous

now i have to make a search with the emp_id and emp_name.

i have done it with emp_id but with emp_name i am not getting what should i do

so can anybody tell me that with emp_name how can I fetch records from both the tables using the emp_name

m just not getting it because there is no column name as emp_name in second table

plz help me out... any help will be appreciable


As you have emp_id in both tables you should use join of tables at emp_id. Please go through tables joins and you will get what you want.