phpbb3 install questions

Hello, like a reseller i'm trying to manually install PHPBB 3.0.11 on one site in web10 but when i go to the installation the follow errors appears and cannot finish:

PHP setting register_globals is disabled:
phpBB will still run if this setting is enabled, but if possible, it is recommended that register_globals is disabled on your PHP install for security reasons.

HTTP input character conversion:
mbstring.http_input must be set to pass.

HTTP output character conversion:
mbstring.http_output must be set to pass.

I see that that same error are solved putting an .htaccess on root with:

php_value mbstring.http_input pass
php_value mbstring.http_output pass
php_value mbstring.encoding_translation 0
php_flag register_globals off

...but even when i wrote and put the same on root folder i cannot finish the install, BTW, when i try to secure the adm folder and put another .htaccess and .htpasswd in same i got a 500 server error.

I understood that this type of script are allowed here, that's right?
If you submit a ticket they can help you get past these items, you are on the right path maybe a small error is triggering.