Please answer ticket ID: GOP-71035-775


It has been enough time unanswered, given that it is not a complicate issue to answer. If you cannot answer simple (but important) requests in 4 hours, then it will be worse for more complicated things


That is impossible to know the answer to that question.

It was waiting for Tanmaya to answer when on shift.

The thing is, it was only that site, because they hit 20 connections to MySQL, something is not closing the connections to the MySQL DB proeprly that casued the limit of logins to be be hit.

We have no way of knowing exactly how long one user was blocked becasue they hit max logins.

Stephen said:
The thing is, it was only that site, because they hit 20 connections to MySQL, something is not closing the connections to the MySQL DB proeprly that casued the limit of logins to be be hit.

He is using an unmodified installation of oscommerce in his website. This is the one provided by HSPHERE. Therefore, if this problem appeared in his website, it can appear in any site that uses HSPHERE's default oscommerce. In that case, I suggest investigating this more and report to PSoft.

On the other hand, if this was a problem due to the mysql server reaching a maximum possible number of connections, then I suggest either to modify some setting in MySQL or to reduce the load of the server by moving databases to another location

Stephen said:
We have no way of knowing exactly how long one user was blocked becasue they hit max logins.

Could you please confirm that mysql does not store this information in some sort of log?

Since in the case a mysql server is under DOS attack, this can indicate some valuable information, I would be surprised if the company producing MySQL does not store this information (unless you are not maintaining logs for mysql. If that is the case, please also let me know to inform my client)

Inka, very few questions go unanswered for more than an hour. Your issue doesnt have a straightforward solution and we are working on it. Your ticket will be updated shortly
Inka said:
On the other hand, if this was a problem due to the mysql server reaching a maximum possible number of connections, then I suggest either to modify some setting in MySQL or to reduce the load of the server by moving databases to another location
It was just this login, we have a limit of 20 connections per user on mysql, this user hit the limit.

Psoft wont help with oscommerce, it is simply an installer, optimization and maintenance is left to the end user.

Stephen said:
It was just this login, we have a limit of 20 connections per user on mysql, this user hit the limit.

Psoft wont help with oscommerce, it is simply an installer, optimization and maintenance is left to the end user.

That is irrelevant. My customer has not modified OSCommerce (OSC) as fas as I know, he has only set up his products which has nothing to do with the inner working of OSC. Then there are these possibilities (maybe more):

1) The OSC provided by PSoft has some kind of bug that at some point is causing to exceed the connection limit

2) Your MySQL installation reached some global limit which a) can be incremented by some setting, or b) it is a technical limitation (e.g., say once it reaches 20000 connections no more are allowed)

3) My customer has made some change to OSC OR he is connecting remotely.

I can check 3) with my customer and if he says he has not modified the default installation (other than uploading his products of course), then I will ask you to check 1) and 2)

Regardless of those possibilities, I need that you give me an official response of this:

i) MySQL does *not* allows the logging of such events (which may be very strange since this can indicate some kind of attack)
ii) Mysql allows such logging but you have disabled it for any reason.

If you have done ii), it is ok, but let me know. I cannot just tell my customer "mysql does not allow this logging" without an official response, since if that is not the case, and my customer knows that it is possible, then my reputation will suffer.

So, please check with mysql and then let me know an official response about the logging. As soon as you do that, I will contact him and ask whether he has modified OSC or not

It has been enough time unanswered, given that it is not a complicate issue to answer. If you cannot answer simple (but important) requests in 4 hours, then it will be worse for more complicated things

## 4 hours is because of the amount of work needed on an issue, plus the amount of issues in the queue along with their priority.

On the other hand, if this was a problem due to the mysql server reaching a maximum possible number of connections, then I suggest either to modify some setting in MySQL or to reduce the load of the server by moving databases to another location

## Our MySQL servers are mostly not even 50% on resource usage and we do lesser DBs than most hosts.

i) MySQL does *not* allows the logging of such events (which may be very strange since this can indicate some kind of attack)
ii) Mysql allows such logging but you have disabled it for any reason.

### Nothing is disabled. We do and can trace an issue.

We digged up and found that is was related to a small maintenance done on server that seemed to affected only a few DBs that includes your client's DB. This was taken care of right away, but there wasnt any reported issues apart from you & another client of ours. I do apologize for this and we have already ensure how to avoid this in future.

Stephen & Ranjan were correct with thier explainations to an extent and sites with some GBs of data transfer run fine within the connections limits. These support forums run under them as well.

BTW, you can always reply tickets if you are not satisfied with the answer and you may get a quicker explaination than on forums.
tanmaya said:
We digged up and found that is was related to a small maintenance done on server that seemed to affected only a few DBs that includes your client's DB. This was taken care of right away, but there wasnt any reported issues apart from you & another client of ours. I do apologize for this and we have already ensure how to avoid this in future.

Hey Tanmaya, thanks for the reply. It was the first useful one I received (Stephen and the other guy were nice, but I could not get too much useful info from their posts)

Look, my customer is pestering me asking every some hours if I can tell him how much time this issue was present, and from what time to what time. I think you can find out that n the logs, but I am not sure anyway, so please confirm.

By the way, I am curious, was it a technical issue or human error? I would like to be sure it won't happen or it will be something very very VERY rarely. My customer runs an e-commerce web site and he of course cannot lose clients or give a bad impresion with this kind of bugs

I handled that issue but for some reason Tanmaya or anybody from JH couldn't contact me as i wasnt around. I have replied your ticket with complete explaination. If you want any other clarification, you can update your ticket with your query.