Please Appraise my New domain names


How much is this worth?

Any ideas on the value of this domain?

So how much do you think its worth?

Appraisal appreciated
How much is it worth? Well there's a simple formula:

Double the amount you paid for the domain, then divide by 2, and that's what it is worth.

Is it good or bad writing? I agree with the other guys that it probably is.
Any one Please tell worth of each domain name

Any ideas good name or bad the value of this domains?

how much do you think its worth?

Appraisal appreciated
As for the first domain, probably not worth much.

As for the second, it would be a risk for anyone to buy it, they could get sued. Unless you sell it to the company for $35-$70 you won't get much out of it because people will be afraid to buy it.