Please HELP: Setting up phpBB

Hi, I cannot get phpBB setup on my website. I was told I needed to go under Web Services in the control panel and then turn on phpBB option, there is no phpBB option, or pre-installed scripts option in my Web Services area, can someone please tell me why they are not showing up in there like support told me they should be?

Secondly, I downloaded the newest version of phpBB from the website, how come I have to use a MY SQL database with phpBB. Why can't I just upload all the files I downloaded and then direct it to a MS SQL database? I know that h-sphere only supports phpBB with mysql, but why do I have to go via h-sphere, why dosen't it work when I set it up manually?

Thanks for any help.
We do not offer phpbb through the control panel since its hard to keep it up-to-date always and with the few phpbb worms out there, its simply too much of a security risk.

There we encourage customers to download the copy themselves manually from and install it. However in your case, tech support installed it for you