Now that I have read every single post in this thread and my dinner is officially cold... I will begin my review on Jodohost.com... My appologies as well if i repeat a previous comment.
1. Love the layout.
2. Assuming your reseller packages are what you are trying to push the most, you did good with the flash movie. It grabs attention, and then the animation subtles to prevent annoyance. However, I believe Your hosting services are your main priority really and this might be a problem since I have seen your site a hundred times and honestly I do not even know the prices of your shared accounts. I should have to look. It should hit me upside the head. You guys are very affordable and that is what most look for first. The packages do animate to grab attention. thats neat, but your most important thing on your home page is this part, and it is flash. A rule of thumb i always follow. Never use flash for important items. Some people dont have flash player and cant get it and some also dont want to bother to get it. Trust me. Ive seen a million people deny the flash plugin!
3. Where it says, "24-7 support" in the header... make that a link to your support or the forum.
4. Activate that darn "Live Chat" link or get rid of it! I can't count how many times I've clicked it so far! lol :]
5. Now, as a deisgner... I have an eye for VERY minor flaws in design. This next topic would never pass with me... The line above "Latest News"... It steps a bit. This is caused by either the Bottom or Mid section getting trimmed incorrectly durring design. You should ask the designer to fix that. It actually bugs me. lol. really simple fix.
-Another point is that the right side of the screen has a white space where the left side actually connects with the vertical 1 pixel border line. looks like this site was created in dreamweaver. Am I right?
-Also, there are 42 spacer.gif images in your homepage. That is a bit excessive. It happens when using dreamweaver and fireworks... but 42 is a bit much.
6. Make the testimonials on the home page rotate. Seeing the same one every visit makes it seem fake. Even though there are more in the site...
7. Website of the month should be MAKstudios.com!
8. Be a host movie should have the "learn more" button loaded right after the "Be a Host" shows up.
9. Include ALL features in the compare tables. I noticed some features included in the account are not even on your compare charts. Cant name em off hand...
10. I think also, the reseller chart and page should explain more detail. Especially that resellers cannot offer domain registration. I was very upset about that. The documentation and everything says you can and when you go to set it up. The cpanel is just blank on that part.
11. Someone mentioned earlier about making the logo point to Jodo home page. Yes. Agreed! Most people are accustomed to Logos linking to the home page. It is instinct for me to do that.
12. Should I shut up now?
13. Really guys... The site looks good. the designer has a good eye for design. But honestly, I hope you didnt pay over $200.00 for it. My team could have done this site for $500 just for design. If you need anything, I will be willing to assist, If it's just an opinion you need. as you can see. lol
Love the work you guys put in... You deserve the best. Hopefully my future brings you guys good income.