Possible to "hide" name servers?


Here's a hypothetical situation that applies to something I want to do.

Let's say I'm a successful and respected doctor who signed up with a reseller account to host my professional site as well as several hobby sites. I'm not going to be reselling but just want to control all my domains under one roof.

My professional site, service domain, and name servers might be ProfessionalDoctor.com.

One of my hobby sites might be GamerzRulez.com which I work on and play with after work.

I wouldn't want the nameservers for my hobby site, GamerzRulez.com to be associated with ProfessionalDoctor.com for various reasons that should be obvious.

Is there anyway to "hide" or change my nameservers for GamerzRulez.com so that they don't show as being attached to my professional doctor site in Hsphere?

Thanks for the quick reply.

Since this isn't my official name servers (associated with my domain name) 2 questions:

1. Does it matter what I put in the prefix at Godaddy? They want something like XXX.MyDomain.com.

2. Do I have to do anything in Hsphere for these "alias" name servers?

Thanks again.