Pre-installed scripts 404 errors

Whenever I try to use a script like AWstats or SendMail I get a 404 page not found error, but when I look in FTP the files are clearly there. Does it take a while to start working, or do I need to install manually or what?
Make sure .cgi( or .pl) whatever is used is added as perl extension. Also add "/cgi-bin" as CGI dir.
Hi tanmaya, do I need to do this in an .htaccess file or from within the AWStats configuration? I'm somewhat new to Linux Hosting. :O
I've tried everything I could think of, .pl etensions are enabled. I submitted a ticket but they never go through, I've done this before and it doesn't show up on the 'open tickets' page, even after days. ?(
Corrected. "/cgi-bin" was not added as a CGI dir.
Can you tell me how are you creating a support ticket?

email techsupport @ or go to (use your control panel username & password).
Thanks! I've been making my support tickets by selecting 'Make a Ticket' in the H-SPHERE control panel. That redirects me to and I make the ticket from there. For some reason, It'll say the ticket was made but it never seems to be received by tech support. I think I will just email from now on ;)