Rapid Support?


I found JodoHost through a web hosting forum and decided to give it a look. I was very interested from the start. I opened a trial account to test out the services, and now I have a problem. Do support tickets from trial accounts get read at all? I am having a problem with CF and submitted a ticket (2 hours ago) , I've also been trying to get the live support, but for 3 hours now it's been offline (sales, support, and billing ).

I understand that not that much time has elapsed since I had an issue but I see "Rapid Support" "24x7x365" plastered all over the site and I thought that I would be able to speak with someone sooner.

Is it always like this? or is it truely 24x7x365 and today is just a bad day?

Thank you for your time,
Oddly enough I just recieved a response to my ticket. And the live chat seems to be open now too.

Perhaps it was a bit early to jump the gun! I'm looking forward to doing business with JodoHost if the support is as friendly and fast as most say.
Our LiveChat system is buggy, its being replaced by a new livesupport system in final phases of development

1 hour is an average response time. We endeavor to get back to all tickets within that time frame but in certain cases, it may take longer
tesmermc said:
Is it always like this? or is it truely 24x7x365 and today is just a bad day?
their response time is very quick i have had replys back within minutes.

they have said 1 hour but i think its been more like 1/2 hour.

also they said it is ussually longer when its something that needs figuring out.

Thumbs up to them i say.
Yash said:
Our LiveChat system is buggy, its being replaced by a new livesupport system in final phases of development

1 hour is an average response time. We endeavor to get back to all tickets within that time frame but in certain cases, it may take longer

KAYAKO has got great stuff, maybe look at this solution. I have used HelpCenterLive which has good features. I suppose a commercial system like KAYAKo is better. In any case, the guys from PSOFT should be listening and incorporate live support and/or chat systems into HSphere support system