Reseller domain name question


I'm a bit confused about the process of signing up for a reseller account. I already have a domain name (my shared account). Do I use this to sign up for a reselller account, or should I use a different one? Will using my current domain name adversely affect access to my existing account until it is transferred to the reseller account?
Thanks for the quick response, Yash. I thought I needed the info for the sign up portion, which the instructions led me to believe.

Since you are currently online, maybe you can respond to this issue. I got the following error when going through the sign up process: Registration failed Failed to create Account
The previous request for the user creation has been locked in. If it failed, try to sign up from scratch.

So I was going to contact sales with a copy of this message, as instructed on the page. However, I recieved both a receipt for payment and new account e-mail confirmation. So has it failed to create the account or not?
I guess it worked since I could log into the new CP. I don't know if there were any additional pages left in the registration process, but I'll try to set it up and see what happens.