reseller VPS _?

It's basically a linux account that allows you to install your own applications and programs. You need to have some basic linux skills to operate it

Your customers can host websites on it, host their own chat or voice server and do anything that they'd otherwise need a dedicated server to do
for example if we launch a voice server on it what can be the aprx. montrly traffic of it =?

or can we also launch a game server for example ?
You are bound by the limits set on the plan you purchase, it all depends on what you run on how much bandwidth it will use.
ok. while sign up for an account it asks for
Virtual private server hostname
and create dns zone checkbox

what must be the settings of these ?
Can the VPS work with a domain that you already have an account with? I am interested in setting up a streaming audio server, like shoutcast and was wondering if VPS would work for something like that?