Resolving DNS Problems


Hi all!

I have a stupid problem that has been fighting me for the past 12 or so hours. I changed my email settings in the control panel (stopped and restarted actually, but mistake) and ever since then, I have been unable to receive email at my desktop. I have narrowed it down to a dns registration problem, where my email server is resolving to the wrong ip address. I have tried ipconfig /flushdns and restarts to no avail.

Any ideas on possibly changing this record manually?

btw - the domain in question is

Thanks a million!

wait another 12 +/- hours or, in the properties of your internet connection, go to the tab where you find Internet Protocol (IP) in a white box. double click it, choose to specify address of DNS server to use yourself, there you write the IPs to and reconnect and try again should point to *.189. What IP are you getting while pinging it?

I can ping as well as connect to that host name
Yash said: should point to *.189. What IP are you getting while pinging it?

I can ping as well as connect to that host name

I had two other computers that were pointing to the correct ip address. It was just my desktop that was pointing to *.155. However, in the past 5 minutes or so, the dns record finally propogated to my machine. All is working now. More information can be found in Ticket #6728.

Thanks for your continued help Yash and Dirtbag for the advice!
