Scheduled task error

I have a scheduled task set to run every morning at 6:30am (it was set up for me by tech support, if that matters). The script uses cfftp to retrieve a .txt file posted to an FTP folder on a remote server every day at 5:30am, and then it uploads the data from the .txt file to a database. I have the script set to email me confirmation when it goes through or when there is an error. The last three days it have not received any emails saying it did or did not work.

So, I ran the task "manually" and got the following error:

The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code. Null Pointers are another name for undefined values. 
The error occurred in 
C:\****\*****\*****.com\***_scripts\*********_Download.cfm: line 9

7 : 	<!-------------------------------------------------->
8 : 	<cfftp 
9 : action="GETFILE" server="***ftp.***.com" username="******" password="*********" 
localfile="C:\******\*****\******\******.txt" remotefile="*****#filedate#.txt"
connection="***" transfermode="ASCII" failifexists="No" timeout="1500" passive="Yes" 
10 : 	
11 : 	<cfif #CFFTP.Succeeded# is 'Yes'>

The filedate variable is set before this snippet of code, like so:

<cfset filedate=#DateFormat(DateAdd("d", -1, Now()), "MMDDYYYY")#>

I haven't changed anything in my code in over 5 months, and it's been working fine. I can still ftp into the remote server and the new files are being added daily, so all the passwords, usernames, etc. are correct. I don't know where to start troubleshooting, because I don't know if it's my code, some change made at Jodohost, or something on the remote server!

If anyone can give me a clue, I sure could use it!
No, existsfile doesn't get me any further, but thanks for the suggestion. Anyway, I KNOW the file is there and is named properly. I can FTP in to the remote server and see it, copy it, reupload it, etc. Besides, as I said, the script has worked without fail for over 5 months - that's more than 150 times. No code on my side has been changed, but the error says I have an "undefined value" all of a sudden.

Can a server tell the difference between my script trying to access the FTP folder and me accessing it using an FTP client or IE6? Could they have set something on their firewall or other security that would block my script? If so, would this be the type of error I would get? I am still waiting for word from their IT dept on whether or not any changes have been made on their end, but with yesterday being Veteran's Day here in the USA and a lot of folks taking a long weekend, I may not hear back from them until Monday.

Still open to suggestions (as long as they're helpful!).
Well, I don't know yet what caused the problem, or who did what to correct it (nothing I tried worked!), but today the script ran and uploaded the data on scedule, like nothing ever happened. I'm hoping the client's IT dept. can shed some light on it today, but I'm not betting on it.

I'm just glad it's working again!