Server move notice - (Feb 17th - 20th)

MSSQL1 is rebooting and making SQL Redirection live.

If you need to edit a string for direct connection it is for new MSSQL1 IP. Remember SQL is closed off to outside now.
the redirection didn't work the way initially intended moving to other option.
Redirection has been up for a bit, we are working to make it better/faster but it is up on a temporary measure.
web1 is seeing problem due to invalid configs posted in migration process. We are working on it on priority.
web1 config issue has been resolved, and we are now working on fixing DNS of domains hosted on this server.
MSSQL IPs have changed

If you are calling by IP on your site please use: for mssql1 for mssql2 for mssql3

We have been flushing the DNS to ensure if using DNS names it resolves properly.
External SQL access is NOT available from/to these IPs. For management purposes we will be getting you a special port and access shortly.
mail4 has been migrated. We are doing an update only sync.
Users on mail1/4/5 may see some mail repeated.