Server side incude doesn't work


Server side include doesn't work at Jodohost

How come..i can not include another ASP file inside a parent ASP file???

Here is a sample code:


<!--#include file=include/connectionReg.asp -->


I get ASP internal error on jodohost.

My dev machine this works fine though.

Any settings are missing at Jodohost??

Could you tell me the exact error you are getting? It could be due to something else. To see the error being generated, do this in IE:

1) Click on Tools > Internet Options
2) Select the Advanced Tab
3) Uncheck the "Show Friendly Errors" option
Re: Server side include doesn't work at Jodohost

Don't put include commands within script delimiters. Use the #include directive outside the <% %> tags.
Shetty, have you gotten an ASP page working on jodo before? Just wondering because it may not be your code but a few other problems like your config file and what not?

I set the relative path for the my database file in connection string.

Now i am getting this error:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'

Disallowed Parent Path

/admanager/secure/signver/admin.asp, line 1

The Include file '../../include/connectionReg.asp' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.


Please help
We'll have to enable parent paths on your domain. Please open a ticket with your domain name and the server it is on.
Why can't you just enable it by default? i don't think any hosting provider would care that..

it is wasted lot of my time.
HSphere does not turn it on by default
I'm sorry about that but we just didn't design the software.