Server Time?


I am curious as to how I can set the time on my website to be that of my local time. Right now, it says 4:30 am, which I am not sure if that is Australian time. how can I get that Indiana time?

It's GMT -5 (EST) sorry
No, its not adjusted for Daylight savings. We have customers in countries that do not use this. You'll have to have your script account for daylight savings
its mm/dd/yyyy

Adjust the offset in your script. Just add a certain number of hours to the time depending on what zone you are in
the time/date format issue is really a non issue - as has been said, just do now()+(7/24) or whatever hours.
and for the date, you can set an LCID for each country - which will change the date for you.

these are in VB for ASP, i image there are similar functions in other langs.
good luck!