Service Account


Hi Guys,
Something wierd just happened. I had someone sign up for access to my service account!??.

I didn't think this was possible.
If you left signup ON it is available, and not good, it shows upin the hsphere plan comparisons page.
That is exactly what I said, but in detail :p

After you have created the system plan, you need to make sure that it is not used by your customers:

1. Select Plans in the INFO menu.
2. Click Access for the system plan.
3. Make sure only Admin is checked.
4. Select Plans in the INFO menu.
5. Enable the System plan by clicking the ON/OFF button.
People should read the docs...
I'm doing it after reading this on the Getting Started section of the Reseller Guide:

"Now your control panel is ready for signing up users. Please read all documentation before using H-Sphere as a production system."
