I know nothing about CF, but one of my customers needs to use it
I enabled CF in his plan and also he has turned on CF in H-SPHERE. Available extensions are .cfm .dbm
Then, he created a DSN to the access DB that is in the root folder. He also has some .cfc files that try to invoke the DSN. E.g.:
His app is developed in Flash. From there he is invoking everything else. The problem is that the app works in his machine but not in the server
I also noticed that this DSN is pointing to "dbname.dbm", but the access file has the extension ".mdb" (of course!)
is he doing something wrong? Do I need to configure something.
As I say I known nothing about CF, but some things come to my mind
1. Change the DSN to point to the .MDB file (including the full path)
2. Add .cfc as a valid extension
I need help here
P.S. A step by step guide for coldfusion would be a good idea
I enabled CF in his plan and also he has turned on CF in H-SPHERE. Available extensions are .cfm .dbm
Then, he created a DSN to the access DB that is in the root folder. He also has some .cfc files that try to invoke the DSN. E.g.:
<cffunction name="grouplisting" access="remote" returntype="query">
<cfargument name="qgroup" type="string" required="true">
<cfquery name="qlistgroup" datasource="DSNName">
SELECT person.id_user,,person.surname_p,person.surname_m,person.empresa,person.position,person.e_mail,
FROM person, Rem
WHERE rem.id_user = person.id_user and Rem.RemClaveT='#qgroup#'
<cfreturn qlistgroup>
His app is developed in Flash. From there he is invoking everything else. The problem is that the app works in his machine but not in the server
I also noticed that this DSN is pointing to "dbname.dbm", but the access file has the extension ".mdb" (of course!)
is he doing something wrong? Do I need to configure something.
As I say I known nothing about CF, but some things come to my mind
1. Change the DSN to point to the .MDB file (including the full path)
2. Add .cfc as a valid extension
I need help here
P.S. A step by step guide for coldfusion would be a good idea