Setting up CF and Access


I know nothing about CF, but one of my customers needs to use it

I enabled CF in his plan and also he has turned on CF in H-SPHERE. Available extensions are .cfm .dbm

Then, he created a DSN to the access DB that is in the root folder. He also has some .cfc files that try to invoke the DSN. E.g.:

	<cffunction name="grouplisting" access="remote" returntype="query">
		<cfargument name="qgroup" type="string" required="true">
		 <cfquery name="qlistgroup" datasource="DSNName">
			SELECT person.id_user,,person.surname_p,person.surname_m,person.empresa,person.position,person.e_mail,
			FROM person, Rem
			WHERE  rem.id_user = person.id_user and Rem.RemClaveT='#qgroup#'
		<cfreturn qlistgroup>

His app is developed in Flash. From there he is invoking everything else. The problem is that the app works in his machine but not in the server

I also noticed that this DSN is pointing to "dbname.dbm", but the access file has the extension ".mdb" (of course!)

is he doing something wrong? Do I need to configure something.

As I say I known nothing about CF, but some things come to my mind

1. Change the DSN to point to the .MDB file (including the full path)
2. Add .cfc as a valid extension

I need help here

P.S. A step by step guide for coldfusion would be a good idea
Thanks. I asked him. However, it seems that a CF DSN was necessary before he can made a successful connection. I am waiting for his answer
For all of my Access connections using Cold Fusion, I had to have support set up the ODBC connection. It cannot be done through HSphere yet, only thru the ColdFusion Administrator, and that is Jodohost support's area.
Good Oyster said:
For all of my Access connections using Cold Fusion, I had to have support set up the ODBC connection. It cannot be done through HSphere yet, only thru the ColdFusion Administrator, and that is Jodohost support's area.


Maybe this information can be put as a "sticky" post in this forum about Cold Fusion?