Setting Up Windows Plan in HSphere - Need help



Im new and never use HSphere before..

Let say, i'm offering 50MB space for Windows Plan. I dont want to limit my client's email or mySQL, MS SQL quota usage. I want them to use as many quota as they want for email & databases within their allocated space.

So, issit possible to offer such features to my clients? How to setting it up?

I need to setup this plan ASAP, because my current provider gonna unplug the server anytime. Currently on Helm.

I've read the step by steps.. But confusing..

Please guide me.
You can use an option of Summary Disk Usage (SDU) to implement what you are looking for. When you implement this, your customer will be charged extra only when total actual usage of disk space on web, database and mail servers exceed allocated 50 MB disk space.
More Q...

This is the plan im into..

Win Budget Plan
50MB of space
5GB of BW

This is what I set up in HSphere

1. enable SDU
2. without billing
3. I click Next...

This is what I set after next.. Could you help me with this...

Summary traffic - 5GB
Diskspace Quotas - ?
SDU - ?

Email - ?
mySQL - ?
MS SQL - ?

Disk Space - 50MB
SDU - 50MB

Mail quota: 10MB (RecommendeD), no. of mail boxes (your choice)
ms sql quota: 10MB (recommended) no of databases your choice

other databases same

Thanks for the reply..

With this settings...

Summary traffic - 5GB
Diskspace Quotas - 50MB
SDU - 50MB

Email - 10MB
mySQL - 10MB

If my client use all max quotas..

1. Do they use 50MB of 80MB?

2. If they have more than 10MB of emails.. what will happened?

The total space used by the customer cannot exceed 50MB. This quota is called summary disk space

Email Quota is 10MB per mail box. The average data stored in the mail boxes is counted against your Sumary disk space quota. Same applies for databases
No problem. let me know if anything else is unclear

I spend 5 to 6 hours writing that Step-By-Step guide. If there is anyway I can improve it (or clarify things), let me know