Shared app across domains?


I have a reseller account. I'd like to know if it's possible for me to create some functionality that I'd could make available to anyone signing up for one of my plans.

Essentially, I want to create an ASP or CF application that is available to my clients. Almost like if I were to create a forum app or a blog app that I wanted to be available if someone purchased hosting from me.

But I don't necessarily want to drop the source code into their web structure. I'd like to keep it at least partially proprietary.

Is there a way I could do this? I had thought that maybe I could create and host the app in my main hosting service website, then give my customers a way to map to it, but have it so that it shows up as part of their URL instead of mine? Is that possible?

Open to any suggestions.

Thanks! :D

I understand exactly what you are wanting to do, but with the way hsphere works, it will not work :(

The only thing I cna think of is the DotNetNuke-like child portal setup, there are a few people using that, and it works well, but I do not know if you were planning on using .net or know how to do the programming for something like a child portal.