smtp on Localhost web5 appears to be not functioning

Put in ticket: IMW-63429-721

User getting error on order form when it tries to email him the information using the locahost. This has been working and nothing has changed as of late.
We have replied your ticket, please check that.

Thanks... for other's benefit... the local SMTP on the server was hung. This client use to use the SMTP Mail server, but a long while back when the mail server was having issues he switched to the local SMTP which on occasion blips. I am recommending he use the main SMTP Mail server and then if it fails rollback to the local smtp on the web via his PHP script. And at the same time send an email on the functioning smtp that there was an issue.

We are sure going to add some checks about local SMTP in near future.
Unless a queue flooded with spam, rest of the issues will be better after the change.