Some Questions


1) Will you permit us to run ISAPI REWRITE? In case you don?t know, it is a very well known piece of software that allows user-friendly URL?s. It converts incoming URL?s before they reach .NET. We will provide the script, which will not effect any other domains on the server.

2) Do you set limits on the number of customers and websites per server? What are these limits?

3) With regard to 3, is there a solution above your Platinum hosting account that will give a decent level of performance?

4) We are in the UK. How many UK clients do you have?
Hi Sean, I still remember you ;)

1. ISAPI REWRITE not allowed.
2. Performance is the criteria then number of domains. At 20% cpu & memory usage, server is closed for further accounts.
3. Can you please clarify a bit.
4. Many, you can find some of them active on forum.