spBackup web site backup - new version in beta


Exalted Code Master!
Hi all,

I've released the first beta of the new version of my spBackup web site back up application. It's a php-based web app with which you can back up files and mysql databases. The resulting archive file can be emailed to you, ftp'd to another server, or saved on your web server. You can automate it with cron, Windows Task Scheduler, pseudo-cron, or whatever.

If you're interested in giving it a spin, pm me and I'll set you up.

New in this version:
- Back up files & subdirectories with backing up the whole directory chain
- Save archive as tar/gz or tar/bz2 in addition to zip
- No editing of config files to install or configure--all done through web pages, plus more configuration controls available
- Archiving code now based on PEAR classes rather than custom code for greater stabililty and capability
- Temporary archives files in server's temp directory (if available) to save your disk quota space
- Plus numerous fixes and minor enhancements

Seems nice so far... I want to test it with an auto backup using CRON first.

Is this the proper syntax for using it here on Jodohost?

wget http://yourdomain.com/dobackup.php?setName=setName > /dev/null

Does the second setName (which I'm assuming is the actual name of the set) have to be in quotes or without?

Hmmm - how do you get this system to NOT automatically make a website address a hyperlink if you don't want it to?

Ummm - I'm running a website on a LINUX server if this matters to the answer...
Seems nice so far... I want to test it with an auto backup using CRON first.

Thanks! I hope it works well for you. I hope you're testing the latest version (1.2.1). I think this is the syntax you'll need here for JodoHost:

/usr/bin/wget -o/dev/null -O- http://yourdomain.com/dobackup.php?setName=setName

Does the second setName (which I'm assuming is the actual name of the set) have to be in quotes or without?

Without. It seems to work fine without quotes even if put spaces in your set name. However, I'd recommend not using spaces in the set's name. And yes, setName is whatever name you give to your backup set. And no, whether you're on *nix or Windows doesn't matter in terms of the backup URL syntax. In fact, you can use cron on a linux account to back up whatever sites you want, including those on other hosts running Windows.

Hmmm - how do you get this system to NOT automatically make a website address a hyperlink if you don't want it to?

Uncheck the "Automatically parse links in text" option in the Additional Options section before you hit Submit Post.
