SQL Connection String Problem


I am a new VPS user. (beginner)

I created a database at external database server :

After that I upload my asp.net codes to my vps account - domain via ftp.

at web.config this is the connection string :

<add name="test" connectionString="Data Source=mssql9.jodovps.com;database=xxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxx;User ID=xxxx;Password=xxxx;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

I take trusted sql server error with this situation.

the jodo tech support tried this line too with Data Source= rather than mssql9.jodovps.com

at this point,I take "Login failed for user 'xxxx'. "

Any idea what's going on?
I tried a lot of possible lines for connection string but I couldnt solve it.

Need I any configration at VPS or IIS or something like that via remote connection?

Thanks for your help.
I think you want Integrated Security=False. True means Windows security rather than SQL security. My strings for DotNetNuke don't have an Integrated Security setting at all so I guess it defaults to False.

I changed it to :

<add name="test" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=xxxx;User Id=xxxx;Password=xxxx" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

now the error gone but new one come :)


Server Error in '/' Application.

Unable to make the session state request to the session state server. Please ensure that the ASP.NET State service is started and that the client and server ports are the same. If the server is on a remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters\AllowRemoteConnection. If the server is on the local machine, and if the before mentioned registry value does not exist or is set to 0, then the state server connection string must use either 'localhost' or '' as the server name
Thanks SubSpace. I asked this problem to script's developer and they said samething (he said "there isnt asp.net state server at your server" ) so he suggest to change SessionState mode to InProc.

now the line is :

<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes" cookieless="false" timeout="20"/>

Ok this solve the problem but I dont know to work with InProc is a disadvantege for performance or etc?

I looked your link and find this service at (systemroot\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version\aspnet_state.exe)

but there isnt a Service at Services Console.

What you suggest ?


Are you intentionally using a ASP.NET State Server instead of internal session state management or SQL Server state management? State Server is a separate piece of software that needs to be enabled as the Windows Service is set to manual start by default.

See also Configure the State Service on the ASP.NET State Server (IIS 6.0)
I suppose a disadvantage is that if you restart the application for any reason (upload a new version of an assembly or a file in App_Code for example), session state information is lost. That might not be much of a problem depending on your application. InProc session state also won't work properly in webgarden configurations, but again that is probably not a problem.

One advantage is that it supports the Session_OnEnd event unlike other Session-State modes.

As to why the service isn't listed, I don't know. It's installed by default when you install the .NET framework I think.