Support - OQU-62457-282


Hey Guys, Jodohost always seems to take care of the problem, but it always seems I have to post in order for someone to fix the problem. I submitted a ticket OQU-62457-282 about 5 hrs ago, in about an hour I received a standard response, "We working on your concern and kindly ask for your patience ....". Last time I got that response to a ticket it was 48 hrs before it was fixed (I had to post then also before the problem was fixed). I don't want to seem needy but all I need is a subdomain added that errors out when I add it from the cPanel. We were wanting to upload a new site today. We can wait but I want to get a jump on it for Monday.

Stephen, anybody, are you out there? :)

I don't want to seem needy but all I need is a subdomain added that errors out when I add it from the cPanel. We were wanting to upload a new site today. We can wait but I want to get a jump on it for Monday.

Stephen, anybody, are you out there? :)


I can see the problem has been fixed by Kawal already. Please update your ticket if you are still facing any problem.

However, i would like to request you to contact our support team on LIVE CHAT for any urgent issue/update or problem you are facing with our services.

Live Chat is best way to get instant help on any matter.
We really like jodohost. The product is good and if you have issues they always get resolved. I guess my concern is as a reseller the one thing I need is clear and accurate communication, especially when it comes to support. For example, this time, I opened a ticket and received the auto response stating "Expected Response Time: 1 hour(s)". And in about an hour I receive an email that is exactly the same verbiage from emails I received in the past telling me they are working on it and please wait. The issue was resolved 12 hours later.

I would prefer an expected response time of 4 hours and hopefully either completed or at least a response that gives me a time frame. I understand if you have to prioritize tickets, and the small ones you fix later in the day or wait until a specific support crew (grunts) arrives. I even understand the time difference between where I am and where support may be. I would just like real communication in the ticket system, which is why I always come to the forum. Even with live chat I get, "we are working on your ticket" and “we will respond to the ticket when completed” and little explanation. In the forums at least Stephen usual explains why something happens and gives you a better timeframe.

I'll stop complaining, gripping or whatever I am doing; my intent is not to complain. But as a reseller this is something that I feel needs work on. I have considered Dedicated Hosting on a few projects we were facing but never did it and one of the reasons was my concern about getting quick support. If my client would be investing a fair amount of money ever month on a dedicated server they would want immediate support from me, but I can only give what is accessible to me. I am not asking for immediate support, just good communication.

Thanks jodohost.
We really like jodohost. The product is good and if you have issues they always get resolved. I guess my concern is as a reseller the one thing I need is clear and accurate communication, especially when it comes to support. For example, this time, I opened a ticket and received the auto response stating "Expected Response Time: 1 hour(s)". And in about an hour I receive an email that is exactly the same verbiage from emails I received in the past telling me they are working on it and please wait. The issue was resolved 12 hours later.

I would prefer an expected response time of 4 hours and hopefully either completed or at least a response that gives me a time frame. I understand if you have to prioritize tickets, and the small ones you fix later in the day or wait until a specific support crew (grunts) arrives. I even understand the time difference between where I am and where support may be. I would just like real communication in the ticket system, which is why I always come to the forum. Even with live chat I get, "we are working on your ticket" and “we will respond to the ticket when completed†and little explanation. In the forums at least Stephen usual explains why something happens and gives you a better timeframe.

I'll stop complaining, gripping or whatever I am doing; my intent is not to complain. But as a reseller this is something that I feel needs work on. I have considered Dedicated Hosting on a few projects we were facing but never did it and one of the reasons was my concern about getting quick support. If my client would be investing a fair amount of money ever month on a dedicated server they would want immediate support from me, but I can only give what is accessible to me. I am not asking for immediate support, just good communication.

Thanks jodohost.

This wasn't really about priority as much an an error coming on the Hsphere side that we had not seen before and needing to check further, you will notice that later we had scheduled an urgent reboot to make some changes and fix the issue.