Support question


After trying to update the SSL cert I submitted a ticket because it didn't seem to update. KMQ-92096-844 The response was Wait while we investigate,will contact you. No further repsonse and now the site is total not working, as of yesterday the site worked, just gave a bad cert error. Any thoughts?

The ticket may have gotten in the wrong queue, we are aware of an SSL cert issue on win16, and maybe one other server where any ssl cert is refusing to install. We have a ticket in about this. Your site should be working without SSL however, so checking that matter.
Akshay updated me on this, you came on chat and made aware of the site issue, and it was resolved, the SSL issue is still ongoing and we are actively working to resolve.
see, now that is why I like jodohost, the info about the issue you provided does help. It makes having a problem a little easier to handle. Would be nice to get some of that in the tickets. We had to make some changes for our site to work without ssl but for now we are running. Thanks.
Stephen, if this SSL problem is to specific machines can they move my account to a different machine? This is the second day of no SSL. Dangerous for me.

SSL issue is fixed now,
also i already replied your ticket.