Transferring data

I have an existing SQL 2000 DB and want to set things up on a new SQL 2005 DB. First, is it possible to just get a database backup file of the SQL 2000 DB and have JH restore it to the SQL 2005 DB? Or is there some difference in the formatting of the backup files with each version?

I had originally hoped to set things up using linked servers to copy over data and transform it as needed in SQL script, but I don't appear to have permissions to run sp_addlinkedserver on the database, so it does not appear possible. Has anyone else figured out a way to get access to two separate JH databases on separate machines with using sp_addlinkedserver?

no you can't link servers :)

Now yes you can do a restore form 2000 BAK file no problems, in fact the web GUI will do it for you, or we can.

Thanks for the reply. What part of the web GUI are you referring to? I've poked around the MSSQL Manager and MSSQL Server options on H-Sphere and can't find anything that indicates how to do this. In the past I wasn't even able to do so with SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager. I did spy in another old topic about some solution that you were working on outside of H-Sphere, is this what you are referring to?

I'd really like to be able to do backups and restore without having to bother you guys with a support ticket since I might end up doing this operation more than once before my conversion is complete.


That tool looks like what I need, but I always seem to get timeout errors when trying to restore the DB on the SQL 2005 machine. Oh well, I may end up doing things differently and just sitting through a tech support assisted migration even though that would result in more downtime. If I have two separate accounts can I apply for one tech support ticket operation to backup the DB from one account and restore on the other without having to go through the process twice?


It may be a very large DB timeouts only happen if the upload takes too long to complete.

I'd recommend uploading it to an FTP server and asking one of our techs to use the web based util from within the network so that it is faster, you will need to provide the db login info for this.

This really resolves a number of issues that happen if we do a manual db move, being that the web tool creates the proper user linking and permissions off the start isntead of getting denied errors and having to go in and change your tables and schema's manually which is very time consuming.