Unable to open registry key

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x2bb8 Thread 0x30a4 DBC 0xad7e074 Jet'.

I've noticed the above error quite often now when I go through my site on occasion, like right now for instance. I've noticed that when this happens, it stays this way for awhile before it fixes itself. I'm beginning to think that this is why my site isn't getting indexed by google at the rate it used too. Do you guys have to restart IIS each time to fix this or does it just go away when the server load lightens up? It's been close to 30 minutes right now and it still doesn't work. I've seen this happen a couple times in a day and am now monitoring it to see exactly how often it happens.

Is anyone else seeing this problem? I'm on win6, here's my connection:

Dim strConnect
strConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="& Server.MapPath("../../pathtodatabase.mdb") &";DefaultDir="& Server.MapPath(".") &";DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5"

Anyone have a suggestion for fixing this so I don't see the above error and still be able to use an Access database? This whole site revolves around it's pages indexed in google and with my luck, this probably has been happening everytime the spider visits my site.
No, we do NOT restart IIS for this nor do we do anything to fix it

Is the amount of disk space remaining in your account low or something similar? Open a ticket and we'll look into it.
We corrected the issue

This issue can appear when connections aren't properly closed and eventually the driver crashes or behaves erratic. We are working to track down the site responsibke. However you should not experience this issue again

Guycrea8tive, Please switch to Jet driver and you shouldn't face this issue as frequent as you are complaining. It happens rarely

The Access ODBC driver is buggy, please use the Jet and only the Jet driver while connecting to MS Access.
I can't really complain with you guys, you're the best hosts I've been with. I was just asking for suggestions on how to fix this.
I put the text as bold so that it stands out for anyone else reading it :)

Many hosts have done away with the Access ODBC driver, but a substantial number of customers use it with us. We can't force them to switch but we can tell them its unreliable