Unlimited IPs - Why Not?


I noticed you guys reduced the prices for additional IP addresses substantially. Why not make them free (i.e unlimited IPs) for resellers?

I'm sure it wouldn't cost JodoHost alot and you could attract more resellers :)

I've not seen any hosting company or dedicated server company giving unlimited IPs but maybe JodoHost can be the first?
Our ISP doesn't charge us for the IPs that are allocated to us but that really is not the point. We hardly make any money from selling IP addresses and that isn't the point either

The point is that if we didn't charge for IP addresses, resellers wouldn't use them with care. We need to provide justification for every IP address we use on our servers and this is getting increasingly difficult for us (due to lack of cooperation from our resellers and customers)

But once we have a system in place that can ensure us that all IPs are justified, I'll definately put this on the discussion table.
Yash said:
We need to provide justification for every IP address we use on our servers and this is getting increasingly difficult for us (due to lack of cooperation from our resellers and customers)

JodoHost would announce when the IP justification system would be adapted for resellers, you said that before this was done Resellers wouldn't have to do anything.
This announcement still hasn't appeared, so I don't think it's fair for you to say there's a lack of cooperation from the resellers.
I'm sorry, I withdraw my words :)
We will be announcing the IP justification system for resellers shortly. Right now resellers are not required to justify

But our direct customers are not being cooperative. Only 20% of the IPs allocated have been justified so far. We are hesitating to start switching them back to shared IPs.