URGENT - Error now site moved from old WEB5 to new WEB5

My same customer that was having slow down issues with Web5 is now seeing the following error:

"Error 2: Language string failed to load: connect_host"

He has the PHPMailer script (been in place for a couple of years" is all of a sudden failing on the new server.

Here is the code he has had in place for a while (minus private stuff)

// This is the email address showing who it came from
    // Simply store it in a variable

    $txtSender = "[email protected]";

    // We are now going to create an instance of the PHPMailer class
    // which is similar to creating an instance of a form in Delphi SomeForm1 := tFormClass.Create()
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->IsSMTP(); // This tells us we are going to use SMTP for the mail type
    $mail->Host = "mail.hisdomain.com";  // Set the Host that will do the mail host.
    $mail->Port = 587;
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication. Not normally needed for localhost
    $mail->Username = "[email protected]";  // SMTP username
    $mail->Password = "hispassword"; // SMTP password
    $mail->From = $txtSender; // Set who the mail is being sent from.  This is like mail.from := value; in delphi
    $mail->FromName = "His Company"; // Set the name of the sender
    $mail->AddAddress("[email protected]");
    $mail->WordWrap = 100; // set word wrap to 100 characters
    //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz");         // add attachments
    //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg");    // optional name
    $mail->IsHTML(false);                                  // set email format to HTML

    $mail->Subject = "Billing Information";
    $mail->Body    = "*********************************************************************************"."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "Program:        ".$Program."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "EmailAddress:   ".$EmailAddress."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "CompanyName:    ".$CompanyName."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "CompanyAddress: ".$CompanyAddress."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "City:           ".$City."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "StateOrProv:    ".$StateOrProv."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "ZipCode:        ".$ZipCode."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "Attention:      ".$Attention."\n";
    $mail->Body    .= "POnumber:       ".$POnumber."\n";
    //    $mail->AltBody = "This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients";

    // Now attempt to send to softech address
    if (@$mail->Send()) {
        $isMailedToSoftech = True;
    } else {
        // Set as failed and store error message
        $isMailedToSoftech = False;
        $ErrorMailMsg = $mail->ErrorInfo;

        // Now let's attempt to send to via the locahost since it failed.
        $mail->Host = "localhost";
        $mail->Port = 25;
       $mail->SMTPAuth = false;         // turn off SMTP authentication. Not normally needed for localhost

        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "NOTE: mail.hisdomain.com mail server failed... emailed via mail.hisdomain.com\n";

        // Now physically send.
        if ($mail->Send()) {
          $isMailedToSoftech = True;
        } else {
          $isMailedToSoftech = False;
          $ErrorMailMsg = $mail->ErrorInfo;

    // If we successfully emailed softech, now let's email prospect.
    if ($isMailedToSoftech) {
        $mail = new PHPMailer();
        $mail->IsSMTP(); // This tells us we are going to use SMTP for the mail type
        $mail->Host = "mail.hisdomain.com";  // Set the Host that will do the mail host.
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication. Not normally needed for localhost
        $mail->Username = "[email protected]";  // SMTP username
        $mail->Password = "hispassword"; // SMTP password
        $mail->From = $txtSender; // Set who the mail is being sent from.  This is like mail.from := value; in delphi
        $mail->FromName = "His Company"; // Set the name of the sender
        $mail->WordWrap = 100; // set word wrap to 100 characters
        //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz");         // add attachments
        //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg");    // optional name
        $mail->IsHTML(false);                                  // set email format to HTML

        // This is the chosen text depending on the download type
        $mail->Subject = $Program." - Download Instructions";
        $mail->Body    .= "Thank you for requesting our newest ".$Program." program ..."."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "Your new program installs in seconds and is very easy to use!"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "1. Please be sure you have viewed one of the online animated demos!"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "2. Visit:  ".$DownloadURL."  to download your installation file."."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "3. Follow the simple instructions carefully..."."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "DOWNLOAD INFO:"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "   Your user name     :   ".$UserName." (lower case, no spaces)"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "   Your password      :   ".$UserPassword." (lower case, no spaces)"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "   Site authorization :   ".$SiteAuthorization."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "Thank you again for requesting our ".$Program." program!  Please let"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "us know if you have any questions!"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "His Name"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "Sales & Support Staff"."\n";
        $mail->Body    .= "His Company"."\n";

        if (@$mail->Send()) {
            $isMailedToProspect = True;
        } else {
            // Set as failed and store error message
            $isMailedToProspect = False;
            $ErrorMailMsg = $mail->ErrorInfo;

            // Now let's attempt to send to via the locahost since it failed.
            $mail->Host = "localhost";
            $mail->SMTPAuth = false;         // turn off SMTP authentication. Not normally needed for localhost

            // Now physically send.
            if ($mail->Send()) {
                  $isMailedToProspect = True;
            } else {
                  $isMailedToProspect = False;
                  $ErrorMailMsg = $mail->ErrorInfo;


Basically the script tries to send out email via his mail.hisdomain.com and if it fails it tries the local host as a backup.

I will try to hard code IP next instead of by dns name for hisdomain and see if it works.

tickets are working now also (fully)

I still cannot log into the Help Desk... could someone respond hear and let us know what could have changed to cause this to fail on the new server, but was working fine on new server?

I have tried IP address and no change. I have tried port 25 instead of 587 and no change. I downloaded the latest version of phpmailer for PHP5 and getting same error.
I still cannot log into the Help Desk... could someone respond hear and let us know what could have changed to cause this to fail on the new server, but was working fine on new server?

I have tried IP address and no change. I have tried port 25 instead of 587 and no change. I downloaded the latest version of phpmailer for PHP5 and getting same error.
sorry I said fully, EMAIL the helpdesk and we will reply. It will make a ticket, and no login needed at all.

As per your conversation on ticket, the issue looks resolved. Please let us know if there is still a problem.